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16 tenses beserta contohnya

Berikut ini adalah 16 Tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contoh Kalimatnya. Untuk memperoleh penjelasan yang lebih detail, dan bagian ini pun tak kalah pentingnya agar kalian tidak terlalu bingung coba pahami dengan secara seksama

Simple Present

(+) S + V1 (+es/s) = She always enjoys her trip to the market. (-) S + Do/Does + not +V1 = I don’t know where to go. (?) Do/Does + not + S + V1? = This magazine does not tell me how to get a girlfriend. Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan kebenaran mutlak. seperti contoh nomor 1. – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan rutin. e.g: I go to school everyday

Present Continuous.

(+) S + am/is/are + -ing = I am reading a book at the moment. (-) S + am/is/are + not + -ing = He is not yelling at me (?) Am/is/are + S + -ing? =Are you eating my chocolate? Fungsi: – Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung – Menunjukkan Pekerjaan yang pasti dilakukan di masa yang akan datang (contoh nomor 1)

Present Perfect

(+) S + have/has + V3 = My friends and I have worked hard this month. (-) S + have/has + not + V3 = He has not gone to the gymnastic class. (?) Have/has + S + V3? = Why have your friends and you worked hard this month? Fungsinya: – Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah usai pada saat sekarang.

Present Perfect Continuous

(+) S + have/has + been + -ing = The toddlers have been sleeping (-) S + have/has + not + been + -ing = She has not been driving (?) Have/has + S + been + -ing = Have the toddlers been sleeping Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sudah terjadi dan masih ada kemungkinan terjadi sampai nanti.

Simple Past.

(+) S + V2 + O = I went to school alone yesterday. (-) S + did + not + Inf (V1) = You didn’t tell that you took my money yesterday. (?) Did + S + Inf (V1) = Did you came home last year? Fungsi: Menunjukkan pekerjaan yang terjadi pada masa lampau, tanpa ingin menekankan bahwa ia sedang, atau telah selesai melakukan pekerjaan tsb.

Past Continuous.

(+) S + was/were + -ing = My friend and I were swimming at 09.00 o’clock yesterday morning. (-) S + was/were + not + -ing = They were not watching television from 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. last night. (?) Was/were + S + -ing = Was Ami going to the school by bus when I met her yesterday? Fungsi: Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau, ketika pekerjaan lain terjadi, baik pekerjaan lain itu menyela (seperti contoh nomor1) atau terjadi bersama-sama (seperti contoh nomor 2).

Past Perfect.

(+) S + Had + V3 = My mother had slept before I came. (-) S + Had + not + V3 = My mother had not slept before I came. (?) Had + S + V3 = Had my mother slept before I came? Fungsi: Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah selesai ketika pekerjaan lain baru dimulai pada masa lampau.

Past Perfect Continuous.

(+) S + had + been + -ing = He had been living in Jakarta about ten years. (-) S + had + not + been + -ing = He had not been living in Jakarta about ten years (?) had + S + been + -ing = Had He been living in Jakarta about ten years ? Fungsi: Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sudah terjadi pada masa lalu dan masih berlangsung hingga waktu tertentu pada masa lampau.

Simple Future.

(+) S + will + Inf (V1) = They are going to come (-) S + will+ not + Inf (V1) = I won’t let you go (?) Will + S + Inf (V1) = Are they going to come Fungsinya: – Menunjukkan pekerjaan sederhana yang akan terjadi – Untuk membuat Conditional Sentence type I.

Future Continuous.

(+) S + will + be + -ing = I will be watching a movie tonight (-) S + will + not + be + -ing = I will not be reading a magazine tomorrow (?) Will + S + be + -ing = will you be still sleeping at 7 a.m tomorrow morning? Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedang terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.

Future Perfect.

(+) S + will + have + V3 = he will have arrived by the end of this month (-) S + will + have + not + V3 = The students will not have come (?) Will + S + have + V3 = will you have taken bath at 4 pm? Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang telah selesai di masa yang akan datang.

Future Perfect Continuous.

(+) S + will + have + been + -ing, = he will have been working for 3 hours at 9 am tomorrow. (-) S + will + have +not + been + -ing, = she will have not been traveling for 3 weeks next sunday. (?) Will + S + have + been + -ing, = will you have been diving in the sea for 3 hours at mid day? Fungsi: – Sama dengan Present Perfect Continuous, bedanya: kejadiannya tidak sekarang tapi di masa depan.

Past Future.

(+): S + would + Infinitive/V1, = The weather would be warm. (-): S + would + not + Infinitive/V1, = The weather wouldn't be warm. (?): Would + S + Infinitive/V1, = Would the weather be warm? Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan pada masa lampau. – Untuk membuat kalimat Conditional Sentence Type II.

Past Future Continuous.

(+) S + would + be + -ing = we would be doing some soil tests if you brought soil samples (-) S + would + not + be + -ing = they would not be selling food in school (?) Would + S + be + -ing = would you be standing by me, if I slept yesterday? Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang akan sedang dilakukan di masa lampau.

Past Future Perfect.

(+) S + would + have + been + V3 = you should have received your refund by now (-) S + would + not + have + been + V3 = I wouldn’t got to class on time like other because I m not sleep fast im always late to sleep (?) Would +S+ have+ been+ V3 = Would he have been delivered all my orders if I had paid my bill? Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang akan sudah selesai dilakukan pada masa lampau. – Untuk membuat kalimat Conditional Sentence Type III.

Past Future Perfect Continuous.

(+) S + would + have + been + -ing = You would have been sleeping (-) S + would + not + have + been + -ing = She would not have been crying (?) Would + S + have + been + -ing? = Would you have living at London for 3 years last year? Fungsi: – Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan yang sedianya akan telah dilakukan dan masih dilakukan pada masa lalu.

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